The Boneless Christmas Tree

living-christmas-treeFor the last fifteen years, or so, we have had a live Christmas tree. It sits in the garden most of the time happily soaking up the sunshine in its little pot. Every year we bring it inside, decorate it for the festive season and stress it out for three to four weeks then return it to the comfort of the garden to recover and grow for the next 11 months.

Last year, it didn’t seem to recover as well as usual but eventually seemed to perk up. However, later in the year it suddenly died back and that was that. No more Christmas tree 🙁


As Christmas approached and I was in Timor Leste working,  the family wondered what to do about Christmas decorations without a tree. A fake plastic tree was out of the question as was buying a chopped down tree, but buying another live tree was not considered an option either until I returned and we could choose one together. What to do? Then Terri had an inspiration! Let’s make one from Christmas decorations.

Rummaging through the Christmas decoration accumulated over the years, she found a number of Christmas streamers and tinsel strings etc. that she could drape from the the light fitting above the dining table. By strategically pinning the ends of the streamers on the table she created the basic Christmas tree shape using nothing but tinsel and streamers nor tree, no branches and no other support. Brilliant! 🙂


So there you have it, our boneless Christmas Tree, made from Christmas decorations. Thanks Terri 🙂

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